The Lord told us to “dig the wells deep...”  Digging wells of worship means allowing God to stretch us into new experiences in His Presence.  Our prayer is that you will be touched by His Presence as you drink from our well of worship.http://www.habitationstudios.com/shop/index.php


LULLABIES - for all God’s children 
These lullabies were initially written to woo Rilee’s own children to sleep.  But their divine purpose far surpasses the boundaries of relationship and age.  As we still our souls and listen to these songs, may we feel the heartbeat of our Heavenly Father and be reminded of how much He truly loves all His children.http://www.habitationstudios.com/shop/index.php


This CD is an excellent tool encouraging you to prophesy life into your dry places. It is a 22 minute live recording of DRY BONES that was captured at College Heights Assembly of God in Bryan, Texas, on January 14, 2007, at the conclusion of the "Embracing His Glory" conference. http://www.habitationstudios.com/shop/index.php



In this live recording, worship leader Rilee Kelton and the College Heights Worship Team lead you on a journey into the manifest Presence of the Lord. All the songs on this project, including "Habitation", "Deeper Waters" & "Righteous Right Hand", were written by members of the worship team.


What better way for your new little one to fall asleep than wrapped in the words from Rilee’s lullaby CD, “Sweet Sleep - the Lord watches over me, He neither slumbers not sleeps”.  Available in both pink and blue and in sizes 3-6 months, 6-9 months, 12 month & 18 month.http://www.habitationstudios.com/shop/index.php
A beige t-shirt displaying the CD cover (see above) from “Digging The Wells Of Worship”.  The back reads “The Lord told us to ‘dig the wells deep...’  Digging wells of worship means allowing God to stretch us into new experiences in His Presence.  It is more than singing new songs.  It is experiencing a freedom to enjoy the depths of His love and the refreshing of our souls as we take time to soak in His Goodness.”http://www.habitationstudios.com/shop/index.php
A white t-shirt displaying the CD cover (see above) from “Created To Worship”.  The back is an excerpt from the CD’s title song - “I was created to worship the King with my heart and my soul and all of my strength.  So, I lift up a song of praise to Jesus, my Hope in glory; I was created to worship the King.”http://www.habitationstudios.com/shop/index.php




*Click here to purchase downloads on i-Tuneshttp://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=269141010&s=143441
*Click here to purchase downloads on i-Tuneshttp://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewAlbum?id=300131820&s=143441